Post from Mark – One of our readers ( or Pdaphoneonline or Eagle Harvest Telecoms Company)

I read this comment from Mark and decided to add it as a post to the site as he has some very helpful info, including some other aliases and addresses.

…Mark, Need some company on your trip to visit them? 😉 – Admin.


I purchased two phones from these con artists as Xmas presents on the 16th November, i hadn’t received them by the 30th of nov so contacted them they said the phones had been held up at customs in Hong Kong because they had batteries in them, some sort of regulations? ok, they resent them by fed ex and I finally received them by 11th dec, clock was ticking on the ebay resolution time limit, coincidence with these con artists or have they done it numerous times before, i was told not to worry I’get an extra years warranty and earphones if i gave a good review straight away, I held off with the review until I checked the phones. They looked great my girlfriend used hers firs but after a week no mobile reception only wifi so I got in contact with the con artists and returned the first phone costing £15 quid, in the meantime I gave my girlfriend my phone to use while hers go replaced as I was told it would be. A few days the second phone kept shutting down after 10 seconds and rebooting. I checked both Samsung S4 phones with Samsung UK and both IMEI’s were confirmed as fake. I had no warranty in the UK or could insure them because the IMEI wasn’t registered. I returned the second phone another £15 to get a refund of the con artists. Online tracking stated the phones had been derived I got in touch with the con artists through Ebay and no reply to my mail I was two days over the deadline to file a claim so I put a bad review on ebay and that night i got an email from con artist May. May said if i change the review to a good review staraight away she would refund both phones straight away, no refund…. i waited still no refund. contacted Ebay they couldn’t do anything because it was over the deadline to file a claim. Is it a coincidence the delay in deliver, how many times have these con artists done this, and what unsuspecting person has been sent my phones paying their hard earned cash little knowing they will have to send them back in two weeks to lose their phone and their money. I have their po box 40 at shek wu hui post office hong knong were the first phone went, Con artist May gave me a second address for the second phone: PDAPHONEONLINE, Room 2113-2115, 21/F, Landmark North, Sheeung Shui, NT, Hong Kong. They seem to be part of the Eagle Harvest Telecoms Company Ltd, which was on their receipt if its true their address is Rm. 1-5, 11/F, Prosperty Place, 6 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, (852) 9284-8484.

Why is Ebay still allowing this con-artist seller to change their name and sell fake phones stealing the hard earned cash of people. A good idea for this website would to allow attachments to be post to show the correspondence with these con artists then Ebay might listen

I know where I’m going for my spring break this year Con artist May and her merry con men you May put down the phone excuse the pun but It wont be as hard to avoid me face to face!

DO NOT GIVE THESE PEOPLE YOUR MONEY!!!! get this message out there and put these con artists out of business.


Just to highlight the addresses and extra important detail provided by Mark, I am re-posting them below – Admin


po box 40
shek wu hui post office
hong knong

second address:

Room 2113-2115, 21/F,
Landmark North,
Sheeung Shui,
NT, Hong Kong.

They seem to be part of the Eagle Harvest Telecoms Company Ltd, which was on their receipt. If its true their address is

Eagle Harvest Telecoms Company Ltd
Rm. 1-5, 11/F,
Prosperty Place,
6 Shing Yip Street,
Kwun Tong,
Hong Kong,
(852) 9284-8484.

And just a reminder that these guys are now operating on ebay as (

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